Aldi Finds,  Foodie Favorites

Aldi Find Maple Water (with Bonus Recipe!)

I stumbled across Maple Water at Aldi last year and immediately became a fan. I’ve always loved the idea of drinking coconut water because of the electrolytes, but just couldn’t get past the weird taste. Then I tried this Organic Maple Water and was surprised at how much better the flavor is! It’s very lightly sweetened and has half the amount of sugar found in coconut water. Maple water is full of Manganese which helps your metabolism, contributes to good thyroid health, reduces inflammation and has other health benefits. Lastly, it is a great source of electrolytes and antioxidants!

Aldi carries two flavors of Maple Water, the first is just the original flavor that tastes lightly of maple. And the second flavor is a raspberry lemon that is so refreshing! Both of my girls love the raspberry lemon flavor the best.

Recently, Cheyenne came down with a stomach bug. I immediately stuck her on the BRAT diet (Bananas. Rice. Applesauce. Toast.) and was trying to think of a good way to get her electrolytes up. She wasn’t up to drinking much fluids but she was lightly eating. So I had an idea! What about applesauce made with the original Maple Water?! Yes! The maple flavor complimented the cinnamon applesauce perfectly. And we all enjoyed having a warm, healthy snack!

You can find the recipe for my applesauce here. Simply sub out the water in the recipe for Maple Water and you’re all set!

All organic ingredients and all from Aldi!

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